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Ways to help a homeless animal!

Volunteer your time  No experience necessary!  We can always use help with graphic design, marketing, fundraising, photography, website and social media assistance, organizing to operating adoption and fundraising events, doing home visits, working up applications, petting, walking or bathing a dog, long or short term fostering, picking up donations, sewing, transportation of animals to the vet or from another state. Driving to another state and would like a passenger on the ride back? We are connected with many rescues across the USA, please contact us and let us know you have room in your vehicle to transport! If you have specific skills or experience that you think could help us please let us know! We need you, from marketing, computer skills, newsletter writing, blogging, training, accounting, non-profit experience, and even legal advice! You set the limit on the amount of time you want to devote. If you can help out in any way, please call, email or fill out a Volunteer Application today!

Foster  This is by far the most important thing one can do to help our homeless animals! We need short and long term fosters. By opening your home to one animal, you are opening a place in the shelter to another animal. Fostering in your home saves 2 lives! Concerned about money or time? UDR will pay for all vet care, supply all dog food and any needed supplies for the foster dog while in foster care. Going on vacation or need a weekend away? No worries, UDR has many fostering options should you need a break. Fostering is a very rewarding experience. If you would like to foster and make a difference, please fill out the Foster Application

Donate  Donations are always welcome to help cover the costs of veterinary care, flea preventative, dog food, collars, leashes, beds and so much more, to help the dogs while they are in our care. We would even take used pet items or medication your pet is no longer using.  For animals who have nothing, know it will all be put to good use. United Doberman Rescue and Canine Castaways of Minnesota is an all volunteer, foster home based rescue group.  100% of all donations go directly to our homeless animals. If you would like to help by making a donation, please go to our Donate page, check our rescue wish list page on Chewy or contact us at 

Shop from our Supporters  Whenever you shop from our supporters such as Max and Neo Collars, Doberman Coffee Company, and Chewy, you enable them to do more for the homeless animals we help.

Become a Fan on FACEBOOK  "Like" the United Doberman Rescue Page on Facebook then share your love by sharing our posts all over social media, and posting updates on your adopted pets on our Friends of United Doberman Rescue. We LOVE to see how they are doing after they get adopted! Tweet, blog, Instagram! Share our homeless dogs adoption profiles and rescue website on social media to help get them adopted and make people aware of our efforts to help homeless animals! Friends of United Doberman Rescue on Facebook

Share! If you have adopted from us, please tell us how your pet is doing and making a difference in your life by sharing an updated picture or story, via our Facebook pages, email or snail mail. We would love to share with our fosters, volunteers and fans! 

Raise money just by celebrating! Your birthday, wedding, engagement, or any other exciting time in your life by directing donations from your friends and family to our to our homeless animals! Facebook lets you celebrate your birthday by creating a Birthday Fundraiser on Facebook! SO easy!

Learn more here: Creating a birthday fundraiser on Facebook

Be a UDR Gatherer!  Whether it’s food, toys, bedding, crates or cleaning supplies, even some medications no longer being used, we may need them or have use for them! Consider picking up a couple extra pet items next time you’re shopping and drop them off to a foster dogs home.  Email us at for drop off locations, or we can get a volunteer to meet you for pick up!

UDR volunteer Valerie with a huge pile of donated shoes! These efforts raised well over $1000.00 for our homeless animals!

PO Box 984 •  Buffalo, MN 55313 - 8522  •  (612) 405-8522 •  support [ at ]